Paid in Puke S5E10: Fast Times/The Anniversary Party

On our series 5 finale, we’re doing a double shot of Jennifer Jason Leigh and Phoebe Cates, with Amy Heckerling’s 1982 comedy debut, Fast Times at Ridgemont High, written by Cameron Crowe, and 2001’s Mumblecore template drama, The Anniversary Party, written and directed by Jennifer Jason Leigh, and Alan Cumming. These two films are spiritual sequels, linked by JJL and Cates’ twenty year friendship. Fast Times is also Amy’s favorite movie of all time! Both of these films find a perfect balance between the realistic struggles of women in these respective places in their lives, and belly-laugh comedy. Plus hella abortions.

Two movies means we double your pleasure on Meaningful Passages and Lunchtime Polls!

Paid in Puke is taking a break but we’ll return soon with Series 6!

Download the episode here!

15 Stars You Didn’t Know Tried Open Marriage


As the saying goes, “marriage is work”. We all know what happens to people when their lives are all work and no play. Especially if their job involves being away from their spouse for long stretches of time. But they don’t have to throw the baby out with the bathwater. Savage Love columnist Dan Savage coined a term for open marriages and relationships that involve strict ground rules and respect: monogam-ish. It seems to have worked for Savage and his husband Terry, for over 2 decades.

Therapist Ian Kerner says that it works better if both partners come into the relationship with openness in mind. Bringing it up mid-stream is a sign that maybe the couple isn’t as romantically compatible as they once thought.

There are a variety of reasons why the celebrity couples on this list have tried opening up their marriage. For some, it was an experiment that failed epically and led to the dissolution of their union. For others, they used what they learned from the experience to fortify their relationship and stay together. A few liked it so much that they kept it up.

Here are 15 Celebrity Couples You Didn’t Know Tried Open Marriages.