My Hump


The Galloo and I made a silly little short film for the Stranger's Hump (amateur porn) contest involving a salt shaker and a carefully ripped napkin. Let your imaginations run with that…

The exciting part is that we made it to the top 20 entries and our movie (entitled “Condoments”) will be eligible for the competition to win a trip to the annual porn convention in Vegas and $2000. Before we knew we were in, we bought a whole bunch of tickets and then they informed us that we would get comps. Now, since the audience votes on the winners, we would like to give our purchased tickets to friends who would support our endeavors. Are any of you, my loyal (and local) readers, interested in going? I would give you the tickets (to the now sold out festival) for a discounted rate if you promised to vote for us. The tickets are for the 6pm show on Saturday, September 9th.

As you may or may not know, Hump is the talk of the town. And YOU can be there! Let me know if you're interested.

PS: You have my solemn promise that you will NOT see any of mine or Galloo's naughty bits in the film. It's all about the inanimate objects!